McGonagall on the Tour

Since the death of Lord Hallyburton, some two years ago, Coupar Angus seldom sees a true lord, but this week the town was honoured with a visit from the Poet McGonagall. This celebrated individual — now world-wide according to his own statement — gave one of his grand dramatic entertainments in the Mason Hall. As a dramatist, the Poet says he has not been excelled since the days of Edmund Kean, and according to report he quite believed it, in fact the audience who were present maintain he cannot be equalled. The meeting, which was rather unruly, showed by their noisy demonstrations their appreciation  of the Poet, who made some laughable and grotesque gestures and faces to please his listeners, and the more ridiculous the Poet made himself the more noisy and boisterous the audience became, till they made the very rafters ring.

Dundee Courier, 3rd June 1881

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