A Correspondent Writes

Sir, — I observe a paragraph in your issue of to-day anent the formation of a Committee to render aid to the much-abused poet McGonagall. The matter was intended to be private, but, as the secret has been divulged through your columns, permit me to say that the intentions of the Committee are to furnish a solatium to the poet for the great amount of abuse he has received at the hands  of those who should have at least known better. The Committee are not to appeal for public subscriptions, as the requisite sum has been promised from private sources. — Yours truly,

The Secretary.

Dundee Courier, 14th March 1893

It is understood that a Committee has been formed from the admirers and others interested in our city Poet McGonagall, for the purpose of having his portrait taken, and also to afford some material assistance to the Bard of “Silvery Tay.” All those interested and desirous of assisting should communicate with the Commtttee.

Dundee Courier, 13th March 1893

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