An Ode to the Queen

All hail to the Empress of India, Great Britain’s Queen!
Long may she live in health, happy and serene;
Loved by her subjects at home and abroad;
Blest may she be when lying down
To sleep, and rising up, by the Eternal God;
Happy may her visions be in sleep …
And happy her thoughts in the day time;
Let all loyal subjects drink to her health
In a flowing bumper of Rhenish Wine.
And when the final hour shall come to summon her away,
May her soul be wafted to the realms of bliss,
I most sincerely do pray, to sing with saints above,
Where all is joy, peace and love –
In Heaven, for evermore to reign,
God Save the Queen. Amen.

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Comments (1) »

  1. Tom McCaffrey
    In the year 2013, on th 10th day of March at 8:11 pm

    All hail to Queen Elizabeth the Second, Great Britains’s Queen
    Who looked full of life, healthy, happy and serene
    When to the English Market in Cork she did walk
    And with a Stallholder there had a great laugh and a talk

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