The First Poem

W. M. G. Dundee, who modestly seeks to hide his light under a bushel, has surreptitiously dropped into our letter box an ‘Address to the Rev. George Gilfillan’. Here is a sample of this worthy’s powers of versification…

Rev. George Gilfillan of Dundee
There is none can you excel.
You have boldly rejected the Confession of Faith,
And defended your cause right well.
The first time I heard him speak,
’Twas in the Kinnaird Hall,
Lecturing on the Garibaldi movement,
As loud as he could bawl.
He is a liberal gentleman,
To the poor while in distress;
And for his kindness to them,
The lord will surely bless.
My blessing on his noble form,
And on his lofty head;
May all good angels guard him while living,
And hereafter when he’s dead.

Weekly News, 7th July 1877

Comments (1) »

  1. Tyler
    In the year 2013, on th 15th day of April at 7:50 pm

    Oh, God, I’m dying… This is fantastic.

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