Rev. G Gilfillan and Poet McGonagall

Mr McGonagall, the poet, having presented a copy of his poems to the Rev. G. Gilfillan, the rev. gentleman has addressed the following letter to the poet in acknowledgment:—

Stonehaven, 16th July, 1878.

My Dear Sir, — Many thanks for your poems, and especially for your very kind lines addressed to myself. I hope you are none the worse of your far- famed journey to Balmoral. I am here on holiday, but return in some days. — l am, dear sir, yours very truly,

 Geo. Gilfillan.

Dundee Courier, 19th July 1878

Comments (1) »

  1. Chris Hunt
    In the year 2014, on th 12th day of March at 8:02 am

    It is perhaps interesting to point out that within four weeks of receiving this early collection of McGonagall gems, the reverend Gilfillan was dead. Could the two facts be related?

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