Poet McGonagall Evicted

Three Days to Clear Out

On the roll of the Summary Removing Court – held before Sheriff Campbell Smith at Dundee to-day – occurred the name, “William McGonagall, Poet, 48 Step Row, Dundee.” His landlord, Mr Sibbald, desired possession of the house, and had resorted to legal proceedings to enforce his claim. The candidate for the Laureateship, presumably, because he has left the city for Perth – where he has taken up his abode – failed to appear in Court to offer his defence to the action, and in the usual fashion the Sheriff gave decree in absence. Mr McGonagall must, therefore, evacuate his residence within three days from date.

Poet McGonagall wishes the people of Dundee to understand that in consequence of their want of appreciation and harsh treatment he has resolved to shake the dust of Juteopolis off his feet, and is for the future to reside in the Fair City. Accordingly the poet left Dundee for good at 9.20 yesterday morning, and during the day he met with a most cordial reception from his admirers in Perth. Temporarily he has secured commodious lodgings in South Street at 1s a night, and there he will be glad to receive as many of his friends as possible until he is settled down more permanently “under his own vine and his own fig tree.”

Evening Telegraph, 2nd October 1894

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