Poet McGonagall Disgusted with Dundee

The Hon. Secretary of the Perth Lyric Club, in a specially convened meeting of the members, read the following communication from Mr McGonagall:-

Mr J. Wallace Scott, my honest and respected friend. I hope to find you well and all they members of the Perth Lyric Club. My dear Sir, I am thinking about leaving Dundee, owing to the abuse I meet with daily. On this morning, I was set upon by two roughs, down the Ferry Road, and I had to take refuge in a Butcher’s Shop, and only that he came to the rescue it would have been serious, then after leaving they followed me and threw mud at me, and mouthed my name derisively until I had, to take refuge again in a Grocers Shop and they went away. Now Sir, I leave it to your consideration.-, and Combination of the members of the Lyric Club, Perth, if they are willing to provide me with help at their earliest Convenience, and I will leave when a house is prepared for me. I dont want ye to put out much money, for furniture, say one bed to begin with second hand furniture, say, however I will leave it to your discretion, and the generosity of the members of the Lyric Club.-; which I’m sure will be shown without any hubbub :-: and if my Elocutionary abilities are of any service to the members of the Club in furthering their interests, in any, way, I am willing to lend them as far as lies in my power. Hoping they members of the Club will assist me, jointly and severally, would be the Sincere wish, of McGonagall. I am in my usual State of health, and I hear my Son’s health is improving. With kind love, to ye all, believe me, yours truly,

Wm. McGonagall, Poet

Mr J Wallace Scott.

It is understood that several influential members of the Club are doing all they can to secure for one Poet “one bed,” with the necessary “second-hand furniture,” in Tullylumb Lodge.

Dundee Courier, 6th May 1893

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