Music and The Drama

Here is part of a letter which has been received by a well-known theatrical manager:—” Dear Sir I take the Liberty of writing to you this Letter to ask of you a favour, we would be much oblidge to you if you could get an opening for us on the stage, as our harts are in the stage. I hope you will be our friend. we dont like service. we would work night and day to learn.” The letter was from Glasgow. If the writers had lived in Dundee they would have been in a good situation for obtaining a little preliminary training, as the following notice will show:— “Important Notice. Parties desirous of learning The parts, of Elocution. Suitable for the Stage. Can be teached at their own residences, by Wm. McGonagall. Poet. &. Tragedian 41, Step Row, Dundee, fees moderate.”

Manchester Courier and Lancashire General Advertiser, 20th February 1892

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