McGonagall and the Laureateship

Poet McGonagall has requested us to publish the following correspondence:—

Quiz Office, Glasgow.

Dear Sir, — Your chances for the vacant Laureateship are freely spoken of in Western literary circles, and a fairly general belief prevails that you are the very man for the post. In these circumstances perhaps you may be kind enough to favour us with your views on the subject at your earliest convenience. We have written to Messrs Swinburne, Morris, Blackburn, William Watson, Le Gallienne, and Robert Buchanan. — Believe us, Dear Sir, yours truly,

Editors “Quiz.”
Wm. McGonagall, Esq., Step Row, Dundee.

This is the reply sent by the Poet:—

48 Step Row, Dundee, August the 23, 1894.

To the Editor of Quiz.

Dear Sir, — Your letter regarding the vacant Laureateship. My views, Sir, is, as there is no poet wanted, I cannot offer my service for that capacity ; but if Her Majesty requires my service she has only to command me. — Believe me, yours truly,

Wm. McGonagall, Poet.

Dundee Courier, 24th August 1894

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