Magnificent Gift to Poet McGonagall

Dundonians in America send Ten Thousand Dollars

Poet McGonagall has just received the following encouraging letter from Dundonians in America. The letter is accompanied by a duly signed, settled, and certified certificate of One Thousand Shares in the “Blue Mountain Silver Mining Co.” of Colorado:–

New York July 28/88

Mr McGonagall Poet

Dear Sir, a short time ago I had the pleasure to recive a visit from my esteemed friend Mr Grahame who informed me he had been honoured by reciving a letter and two Poems on thee death of Fred Marsden from your hand he called on me with thee object of having your poem insirted in one of thee American Newspapers this my dear Sir I have tried to do but as yet I have not succeeded as thee Presidential Election and all its manifold questions are demanding large share of thee newspapers space, again some of thee editors thought on account of the manner by which he reached his untimely end it would be better to let thee subject drop for a time at least, along with my learned friend Mr Grahame who for a considerable time held thee office of President of thee Rosemount Dramatic Society where I first made his acquaintance in Dundee many years ago, along with him and other Dundonians in this Land of Liberty we take this opportunity, to convey our sincere and heartfelt sympathy for the bad treatment you have lately or rather been continually reciving at thee hands of and though it jars my feelings to say it ignorant Scotchmen, at the same time, we record you our unqualified admiration for your great Poetical and Dramatic genius and nobleness of character alongside of which the Bard of Avon sinks into comparative insignifience we do not this by words alone but by deeds as you will find by the Bond of the Blue Mountain mining Co. enclosed herein by it you will see you are entitled to 1000 shares in the said Co. Dividend payable at six months from the date on bond, the firm of brokers by whom all transactions must be made are De L’otigent and Co. 415 Goldsmiths Avenue Silverado New Mexico, hoping you will kindly except this tribute of our regard we remain yours Faithfully Dundonians in America and now my dear friend you.will Doubtless find many a flatterer to extend to you the hand of assastince now when yon dont need it but who would not have regconsied you in your days of adversity but we trust and reley that you will look on and treat them as they did you hoping you will long be spared to compose and print your Patriotic poems, that they may be read and admired by our children’s children even into the third and fourth generation, my Dear Sir we are convinced that you like Homer will yet be honoured as he now is for this reason you are now slighted and disregarded as he was, when we think on that it rejocies our hearts to think your fame will one day shed luster and renown on the old town of Dundee

Yours respectfully

William Anderson
C/o David Milne
442 W 33 st

New York America

The Piper O’ Dundee, 15th August 1888

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