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Not to be behind other aspirants to the Poet Laureateship, Dundee’s own poet McGonagall has just issued his tribute to tbe late Lord Tennyson. “The Bard of Tel-el-Kebir, El Teb, the Capture of Lucknow, &c.,” has been working hard in the literary line of late, but that overwork has not yet overclouded hia genius may be gathered from the following lines extracted at random from his poem on the ”Death and Burial of Lord Tennyson“:—

Alas! England now mourns for her poet that’s gone—
The late and tbe good Lord Tennyson.
I hope his soul has fled to heaven above,
Where there is everlasting joy and love.

He was a man that didn’t care for company,
Because company interfered with his study,
And confused the bright ideas in his brain,
And for that reason from company he liked to abstain.

His remains now rest in Westminster Abbey,
And his funeral was very impressive to see;
It was a very touching sight, I must confess,
Every class, from the Queen, paying a tribute to the poet’s greatness.

Dundee Courier, 20th October 1892

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