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It is time McGonagall was putting in his claim for the Laureateship if he has any hopes in thai direction. An Edinburgh bard — Osburn Blackburn — has applied for the job, and is making the running in great style, while there is a rumour that the “Aberdeen Loonie” is also girding up his poetical loins in connection with the vacancy.

That the Laurel is not to be gained without working for it, however, is shown by the fact that the Edinburgh claimant has already been challenged by another bard to a twenty-four hours “go-as-you-please” poetical contest for £50 a-side. But at that kind of thing McGonagall would have nothing to fear. One thing is certain, and that is if McGonagall is not in it, the contest for the Laureateship will lose much of its interest, while at the same time there is a chance of the honour being very much misplaced.

Dundee Courier, 5th July 1894

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