Accident to McGonagall

Dundee on Friday night ran a narrow chance of losing McGonagall. The bard of “The Silvery Tay” on the evening gave an entertainment to a large and select audience in the F. & K. Hall, where he was presented with a handsome medal from his “antediluvian admirers.” When the poet was leaving the hall on the conclusion of the performance, a portion of the audience, possibly under the influence of the enthusiasm which characterised the proeeedings, forcibly seized hold of him, and carried him shoulder high for some distance. McGonagall was then, either by accident or by intention, allowed to drop to the street, and sustained rather severe injuries by the fall. He states that had it not been for his good thick felt hat, and his long and thick Bohemian locks, and, above all, the “genius of poetry,” protecting him, he would have gone over to the majority. As it was, his head was swollen much above its usual size, while his left arm, and one of the fingers of his left hand, were skinned and bruised. On finding that his blood hod been drawn, McGonagall  besought his “friends” to “bind up his wounds,” and these having in some measure been attended to, he proceeded to the Central Police Station, where he lodged a complaint with the Lieutenant on duty against those who had assaulted him in the manner before described. The police, we understand, have been investigating the case, but as yet no apprehensions have been made, and as the poet states that he would have a difficulty in recognising the parties, it is not likely that more will be heard of the matter.

Dundee Courier, 3rd August 1880

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