A Dundee “Bard” at Brechin

The renowned “Bard of the Silvery Tay” – Mr McGonagall – honoured Brechin with his presence on Thursday evening, when a large and enthusiastic meeting – called by tuck of drum – welcomed him in the Crown Hotel Hall. A local gentleman of well-known histrionic power occupied the chair. The programme consisted of original dramatic readings, including “Bannockburn,” “The Burns Statue,” “Life in London,” “History of Wallace” and selections from Shakespeare. Here is a fine morsel from “The Burns Statue”:-

This Statue, I must confess, is magnificent to see,
And I hope will long be appreciated by the people of Dundee;
It has been beautifully made by Sir John Steell,
And I hope the pangs of hunger he will never feel.

This statue is most elegant in its design,
And I hope will defy all weathers for a very long time;
And I hope strangers from afar with admiration will stare
On this beautiful statue of thee, Immortal Bard of Ayr.

Fellow-citizens, this Statue seems most beautiful to the eye,
Which would cause Kings and Queens for such a one to sigh,
And make them feel envious while passing by
In fear of not getting such a beautiful Statue after they die.

The pieces were introduced in a racy manner, and altogether the entertainment was unique in its way.

Brechin Advertiser, 28th April 1881

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