Death Record

William’s demise is recorded on the official Register of Deaths for the District of St Giles in the City of Edinburgh.

Name and Surname

Rank or Profession and whether Single, Married or Widowed
When and Where Died Name, Surname and Rank or Profession of Father

Name and Maiden Surname of Mother
Cause of Death, Duration of Disease and Medical Attendant by whom certified Signature & Qualification of Informant, and Residence, if not of the House in which the Death occurred When and where Registered, and Signature of Registrar

William McGonigall


Married to Jane King

1902, September Twentysixth 11h PM

5, South College Street, Edinburgh

Charles McGonigall
Handloom Weaver

Margaret McGonigall
MS. Maxwell

Cerebral Haemorrhage

as Certified by
J A Shortbread

Jane McGonigall
her x mark
Widow Present

E.L.F. Thallon
Intm Registrar

September 30th
at Edinburgh

E.L.F. Thallon
Intm Registrar

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