The Wreck of the Barque “Wm. Paterson” of Liverpool

Ye landsmen all attend my verse, and I’ll tell to ye a tale
Concerning the barque “Wm. Paterson” that was lost in a tempestuous gale;
She was on a voyage from Bangkok to the Clyde with a cargo of Teakwood,
And the crew numbered fifteen in all of seamen firm and good.

’Twas on the 11th of March, when a violent gale from the southward broke out,
And for nine days during tempestuous weather their ship was tossed about
By the angry sea, and the barque she sprang a leak,
Still the crew wrought at the pumps till their hearts were like to break.

And the pumps were kept constantly going for fourteen long hours,
And the poor men were drenched to the skin with sea spray showers;
Still they wrought at the pumps till they became rather clogged
Until at last the barque became thoroughly water-logged.

Oh! hard was the fate of these brave men,
While the water did rush in from stern to stem,
Poor souls,’twas enough to have driven them frantic,
To be drifting about water-logged in the Atlantic.

At last she became unmanageable and her masts had to be cut away,
Which the brave crew performed quickly without delay;
Still gales of more or less violence prevailed every day,
Whilst the big waves kept dashing o’er them, likewise the spray.

And with the fearful hurricane the deckhouse and galley were carried away,
Yet the thought of a speedy deliverance kept up their courage day by day,
And the captain prepared for the breaking up of the ship without dismay,
And to save his rations he reduced each man to two biscuits a day.

The brave heroes managed to save a pinnace about fifteen feet long,
And into it thirteen of the crew quickly and cautiously did throng,
With two bags of biscuits and a cask of water out of the tank.
And for these precious mercies, God they did thank;

Who is the giver of all good things,
And to those that put their trust in him often succour brings
And such has been the case with these brave men at sea,
That sent Captain McMullan to save them and bring them to Dundee.

When once into the pinnace they improvised a sail into a tent,
Which to the crew some little shelter lent;
Still every day they were drifting towards the coast of Greenland,
Yet they hoped in God that speedy deliverance might be near at hand.

And as every day passed by they felt woe begone,
Because no sail could they see on the horizon;
And they constructed a sea anchor to keep the boat’s head to sea,
And not withstanding their hardships they stood out bravely.

And on the 19th of March a ship hove in sight,
Which proved to be the “Slieve Roe” to their delight;
Then they hoisted a signal of distress when they espied the “Slieve Roe,”
But it was not seen on account of the wreck being in the water so low.

But as soon as Captain McMullan knew it was a signal of distress,
Then heroically and quickly his men he did address,
He cried! come my men keep the ship close to the wind,
And let’s try if we can these unfortunate souls find.

And as the “Slieve Roe” to them drew near,
Poor souls they gave a hearty cheer;
Then they were immediately taken on board,
And they thanked Captain McMullan for saving them, likewise the Lord.

Then a crew from the “Slieve Roe” were sent away,
For the two remaining members of the crew without delay;
The Captain and a Sailor, together with a cat and a pet dog,
Which had been the companions of the sailors, and seemed as frisky as a frog.

And when they had all got safe on board,
With one accord they thanked the Lord;
And Captain McMullan kindly did them treat,
By giving them dry clothing and plenty of meat.

And for his kind treatment unto them he deserves great praise,
For his many manly and kindly ways,
By saving so many lives during the time he has been at sea,
And in particular for fetching the crew of the “Wm. Paterson” safe to Dundee.

Loss of a Liverpool Barque

The Liverpool ship Slieve Roe, Captain Macmullan, arrived at Dundee on Saturday from Chittagong with jute, and having on board the crew, numbering 15 in all, of the barque William Paterson, of Liverpool, which was abandoned in a waterlogged and sinking condition on the 19th March. The William Paterson left Bangkok for Greenock, with teak, on the 28th August, after which she experienced a succession of strong gales and terrific seas. On the 20th March, when 220 miles north-west by north of Tory Island, off the coast of Ireland, she became waterlogged, and then drifted to the north-west, On the 19th March the Slieve Roe hove in sight, and thirteen of the crew of the ill-fated barque put out in a boat and made towards her, and were picked up. A boat was then sent off from the Slieve Roe, wich picked up the remaining two of the crew of the William Paterson, who had stayed on board, At this time the barque was in latitude 57.20 N., and in long. 18.20 W., about north-west of Rockall, and fast sinking. She was a vessel of 619 tons. The rescued crew, who were provided with dry clothes and every comfort by Captain Macmullan, were exceedingly grateful for their deliverance.

Glasgow Herald, 5th April 1886

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Comments (1) »

  1. Floyd
    In the year 2013, on th 19th day of December at 1:55 pm

    ‘Frisky as a frog’ is inspired McGonagallising!

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