The Relief of Ladysmith

Ye sons of Great Britain come join with me,
And sing in praise of the British Army,
And the Canadian Troops’ great bravery;
Because by them and the British Ladysmith has been relieved,
Which will cause Cronje to feel aggrieved.

’Twas in the year of 1900, and on the 28th of February,
That the British marched to Ladysmith in grand array,
Commanded by General Buller, Lord Roberts, and Sir George White,
Three noble heroes, be it said, that know how to fight.

Lord Roberts was well informed regarding the Boer camp,
And when they heard of him coming their courage it did damp;
And they began to tremble and amazed with fright,
When he began to bombard their entrenchments in the morning light.

Oh! It was a magnificent dash they made in the morning light,
Conjointly, the Canadians, Gordons, and Shropshires, a most inspiring sight;
At the charge of the bayonet a brave rush was made,
Then Cronje he surrendered because he was afraid.

And he gave himself up as a prisoner with 4,000 men,
Because they had him hemmed in like sheep in a pen;
And now he is banished to St. Helena, like the great Napoleon,
And in his exile no doubt he will feel woe-begone.

No more the fighting Cronje will lead the Boers into the field
Against the British Army β€” no, he has been forced to yield;
Because at the charge of the bayonet he lost all his path,
And was glad to surrender himself a prisoner at Ladysmith.

The sufferings of the besieged garrison must have been great,
Oh, merciful Heaven! Hard has been their fate;
The garrison were on half a pound of meat a day,
But, thank God, at last they have been relieved without dismay.

Alas! sickness and death have laid many low,
And filled wives’ and children’s hearts with woe;
Because their hopes of relief were often dashed to the ground,
Therefore their grief must have been profound.

But thanks to General Buller, Lord Roberts, and Sir George White,β€”β€”
Long may they live and be able to fight;
And may Heaven always defend the right,
And watch o’er them by day and night.

And in conclusion I will say,
The Boers will remember their defeat at Ladysmith for many a day;
And Majuba Hill has been avenged to the fullest extent,
Which will cause them to feel rather discontent.

Success to the British Army and our brave Volunteers,
For their conduct in the Boer War Her Majesty reveres;
Bravely they helped to put the Boers to flight,
Along with the Canadians, which certainly was a most beautiful sight.

And as for the Gordons and Shropshires they behaved bravely,
At the relief of Ladysmith which was magnificent to see;
Therefore, Ladysmith has been relieved,
And, thank God, the garrison no longer will feel aggrieved.

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