The Funeral of the Late Prince Henry of Battenberg

Alas! Prince Henry of Battenberg is dead!
And, I hope, has gone to heaven, its streets to tread,
And to sing with God’s saints above,
Where all is joy and peace and love.

’Twas in the year of 1896, and on the 5th of February,
Prince Henry was buried at Whippingham – a solemn sight to see.
As the funeral moved off, it was a very impressive sight –
First came the military, and police, and volunteers from the Isle of Wight.

Then came the carriage party of the Scots Guards;
While the people uncovered their heads as it passed onwards
And many of them did sob and sigh
When the gun carriage with the coffin was passing by.

Prince Henry’s charger was led by Richter, his stud groom;
And depicted in the people’s faces there was a sad gloom
When they saw the noble charger of the dead-
It seemed that all joy from them had fled.

The Queen’s carriage was followed by the Princess of Wales, and other Princesses,
All clad in gorgeous mourning dresses;
And there was a number of military representatives, which enhanced the scene;
And as the procession moved along it was solemn in the extreme.

Her Majesty looked very sad and serene,
Leaning back in her carriage could plainly be seen;
And the carriage was drawn by a pair of greys in grand harness;
And Her Majesty seemed to be in deep distress.

By Her Majesty’s side sat the Princess Beatrice
And the two younger Battenberg children, looking very nice;
And by the coffin walked the elder Prince, immediately
Between Prince Louis and Prince Joseph, holding their hands tenderly.

The “Dead March” was played by the Marine Band;
And the music was solemn and very grand,
And accompanied by the roll of muffled drums;
Whilst among the spectators were heard sighs and hums.

And when the procession arrived at the church of Whippingham,
Then the coffin was carried inside- of the good man-
And was then laid in its resting place,
While sorrow was depicted in every face.

Then there was the firing of guns, with their earthly Thunder
Which made the people start and wonder;
And the tolling of the village bells,
While the solemn music on the air swells.

And the people said, “Prince Henry was a good man,
But now he’s laid low in the church of Whippingham.”
But when the Grim King his dart does throw,
None can escape death, high or low.

The funeral service was certainly very nice-
Which was by the request of Princess Beatrice-
Which was the rendering of Sullivan’s anthem, “Brother, before us thou art gone”-
I hope unto thy heavenly home.

No Doubt the Princess Beatrice will mourn for him-
But to mourn for the dead it is a sin!
Therefore I hope God will comfort her always,
And watch o’er her children night and day.

Prince Henry was a God-fearing man-
And to deny it few people can-
And very kind to his children dear,
And for the loss of him they will drop a tear.

His relatives covered the coffin lid with wreaths of flowers,
While adown their cheeks flowed tears in showers.
Then the service concluded with “Christ will gather His own”;
And each one left with a sad heart and went home.

Our old friend McGonagall has been at it again. The recent bereavement in the Royal Family is the theme of his latest effusion, and this is a harrowing example of the stuff :—

And when the procession arrived at the church of Whippingham,
Then the coffin was carried inside – of a good man –
And was then laid in its resting-place,
While sorrow was depicted in every face.

Then there was the firing of guns with their earthly thunder
Which made the people start and wonder;
And the tolling of the village bell,
While the solemn music on the air swells

Dundee Courier, 6th April 1896

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Comments (1) »

  1. Anji
    In the year 2013, on th 28th day of December at 2:13 pm

    Brilliant! As with all McG poems, the poetry is abominable, but somehow he manages to describe the event clearly and the people’s feelings are expressed well. I wonder how he would have coped though if the funeral was on the Isles of Scilly, and Princess Beatrice was called Princess Eugenie…

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