The Bonnie Lass o’ Dundee

O’ a’ the toons that I’ve been in,
I dearly love Dundee,
It’s there the bonnie lassie lives,
The lass I love to see. Her face is fair, broon is her hair,
And dark blue is her e’e,
And aboon a’ the lasses e’er I saw,
There’s nane like her to me
The bonnie broon-hair’d lassie o’ Bonnie Dundee.

I see her in my night dreams,
Wi’ her bonnie blue e’e,
And her face it is the fairest,
That ever I did see;
And aboon a’ the lassies e’er I eaw,
There’s nane like her to me,
For she makes my heart feel lichtsome,
And I’m aye richt glad to see
The bonnie broon-hair’d lassie o’ Bonnie Dundee.

Her eyes, they beam with innocence,
Most lovely for to see,
And her heart it is as free from guile,
As a child on its mother’s knee;
And aboon a’ the lasses e’er I saw,
There’s nane like her to me,
For she aye seems so happy, And has a blythe bhnk in her e’e
The bonnie broon-hair’d lassie o’ Bonnie Dundee.

The lassie is tidy in her claes,
Baith neat and clean to see;
And her body’s sma and slender,
And a neat foot has she;
And aboon a’ the lassies e’er I saw,
There’s nane like her to me
The bonnie broon-hair’d lassie o’ Bonnie Dundee.

She sings like the nightingale,
Richt merrily, or a wee lintie,
Wi’ its heart fou’ o’ glee,
And she’s as frisky as a bee;
And aboon a’ the lassies e’er I saw,
There’s nane like her to me
The bonnie broon-hair’d lassie o’ Bonnie Dundee.

The lassie is as handsome
As the lily on the lea,
And her mou’ it is as red
As a cherry on the tree;
And she’s a’ the world to me,
The bonnie broon-hair’d lassie
Wi’ the bonnie blue e’e,
She’s the joy o’ my heart
And the flower o’ Dundee.

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