The Black Watch Memorial

Ye Sons of Mars, it gives me great content
To think there has been erected a handsome monument
In memory of the Black Watch, which is magnificent to see,
Where they first were embodied at Aberfeldy.

And as a Highland regiment they are worthy of what has been done for them,
Because a more courageous regiment we cannot find of men
Who have bravely fought and bled in defence of their country,
Especially in the Russian War and Soudan War they made their enemies flee.

The monument I hope will stand secure for many a long day,
And may the people of Aberfeldy always feel gay;
As they gaze upon the beautiful Black Watch monument,
I hope they will think of the brave soldiers and feel content.

’Twas in the year of 1887, and on Saturday the 12th of November,
Which the people of Aberfeldy and elsewhere will remember,
Who came all the way from Edinburgh, Glasgow, Perth and Dundee,
Besides the Pitlochry Volunteers headed the procession right manfully.

And the Perthshire Rifies joined the procession with their pipe band,
Then followed a detachment of the 42nd Highlanders so grand,
Under the command of Lieutenant McCleod,
Whose duty if was to represent the regiment of which he felt proud.

The pipe band of the Glasgow Highlanders also were there,
And Taymouth Brass Band, which discoursed sweet music I do declare;
Also military officers and the magistrates of Aberfeldy,
While in the rear came the members of Committee.

There were also Freemasons, Foresters, all in a row,
And wearing their distinctive regalias, which made a great show;
And the processionists were formed into three sides of a square
Around the monument, while the music of the bands did rend the air.

The noble Marquis of Breadalbane arrived on the ground at 1.30,
Escorted by a guard of honour and his pipe band;
Then the bands struck up, and the pipes were set a bumming,
And all with one accord played up the “Campbells are Coming.”

Then his Lordship ascended a platform on the north side of the monument,
And the bands played cheerfully till their breath was almost spent;
Then his Lordship received three ringing cheers from the people there,
Then he requested the Rev. John McLean to open the proceedings with prayer.

And after the prayer, Major Menzies stepped forward
And said, “Ladies and gentlemen, for the Black Watch I have great regard;
And the duty I have to perform gives me great content,
And that is to ask the noble Marquis to unveil this monument.”

Then he handed the noble Marquis a Lochaber axe to unveil the Monument,
And the Marquis said, “Sir, to your request I most willingly consent.”
Then he unveiled the monument in memory of the gallant Forty-twa,
While the bands played up the “Highland Laddie” as loud as they could blaw.

And when the bands ceased playing the noble Marquis said,
“This monument I declare is very elegantly made,
And its bold style is quite in keeping with the country I find,
And the Committee were fortunate in obtaining so able a designer as Mr. Rhind.”

Then, turning to the Chief Magistrate of Aberfeldy,
He said, “Sir, I have been requested by the Committee
To give you the deed conveying the monument to your care,
With the feu-charter of the ground, therefore, sir, I’d have you beware.”

Then the Chief Magistrate Forbes to Lord Breadalbane said,
“My noble Lord, I accept the charge, and you needn’t be afraid.
Really it gives me much pleasure in accepting as I now do from thee
This Memorial, along with the deeds, on behalf of Aberfeldy.”

Then Major Menzies proposed three cheers for the burgh of Aberfeldy,
And three cheers were given right heartily.
Then the Taymouth Band played “God Save the Queen,”
Then the processionists marched to the New Public School, happy and serene.

Then there was a banquet held in the school,
At which three hundred sat down and ate till they were full;
And Lord Breadalbane presided, and had on his right,
Magistrates, Colonels, and Provosts, a most beautiful sight.

And the toast of “The Queen,” “Prince and Princess of Wales,” were given,
Wishing them prosperity while they are living;
Then the noble Chairman proposed “The Army, Navy and Volunteers,”
Which was loudly responded to with three loud cheers.

Then Colonel Smith, of the Highland Volunteers, from Bonnie Dundee
Replied for the Volunteers right manfully.
Then the noble Chairman said, “The toast I have now to propose
Is long life and prosperity to the Royal Highlanders in spite of their foes.”

Then the toast was drunk with Highland honours and hearts
While Pipe-Major McDougall played “The 42nd March at Waterloo.”
So ended the proceedings in honour of the Black Watch, the bravest of men,
And the company with one accord sung the National Anthem.

The Black Watch Memorial

Imposing Ceremonial at Aberfeldy

Saturday was a red letter day in the annals of Aberfeldy, the occasion being the unveiling by the Marquis of Breadalbane of a memorial to mark the spot where the Royal Highlanders (Black Watch), who throughout their long and glorious history have been closely identified with Perthshire, were first embodied. The proceedings, interesting and imposing throughout, partook of the character of a military pageant. The new burgh was en fete in honour of the auspicious occasion, and flags and bunting on an extensive scale were displayed from the principal buildings and at the most suitable points in the town. All labour being practically suspended for the day in Strathtay, Glenlyon, and the surrounding districts, the streets of Aberfeldy were thronged from an early hour in the forenoon till late in the evening. The majority of the visitors belonged the locality, but large contingents came all the way from Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dundee, Perth, and even further distant places, in order to take a part in the interesting ceremony. The weather, upon which the success of the proceedings so much depended, was, though cold and somewhat raw, fortunately fair and clear and a splendid view of the noble scenery of the district was obtained, one of the more prominent features being lofty Ben Lawers, which was partly clad in a wintry mantle. On the arrival of the contingents from Glasgow, Edinburgh, and Dundee, which reached Aberfeldy by special train shortly before one o’clock, the procession was marshalled at the Auction Mart Hall by Major E. H. B. Lysons, of the 5th L.R.V.— Major Menzies, of the Glasgow Highlanders, and Major Munro, Aberfeldy, acting as directing stewards. The Pitlochry and Aberfeldy Companies of the 2d Perthshire Rifle Volunteers headed the procession, and were preceded by their Pipe Band. Then came a detachment of the 1st Battalion 42d Royal Highlanders, from Perth Depot, consisting of 39 men, under the command of Lieutenant McLeod, whose proud duty it was to represent the regiment on the occasion. The majority of the men had seen active service, and several had no fewer than four field decorations. The detachment was headed by the pipe band of the Glasgow Highlanders. A detachment of the 10th Lanark Volunteers (Glasgow Highlanders) followed; and these in turn were followed by military officers in uniform, the Magistrates and Commissioners of Aberfeldy, led by the Taymouth Brass Band; while in the rear came the members of Committee, deputations, and guests, together with members of the local lodges of Freemasons,Foresters, and Good Templars, wearing their distinctive regalias. After marching through the town the processionists were formed into three sides of a square round the monument.

Dundee Courier, 14th November 1887

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