The Beautiful City of Glasgow

O, beautiful city of Glasgow, which stands on the river Clyde,
How happy should the people be which in ye reside;
Because it is the most enterprising city of the present day,
Whatever anybody else may say.

The ships which lie at the Broomielaw are most beautiful to see,
They are bigger and better than any in Dundee;
Likewise the municipal buildings, most gorgeous to be seen,
Near to Ingram Street, not far from Glasgow Green.

Then the warehouses are filled from the floor to the topmost storey,
With goods which brings Glasgow money and glory,
And the men who own them are most liberal, I do declare,
Because I got money from them when there.

O, wonderful city of Glasgow, with your triple expansion engines,
At the making of which your workmen get many singeins;
Also the deepening of the Clyde, most marvellous to behold,
Which cost much money, be it told.

Then there is a grand picture gallery,
Which the keepers thereof are paid a very large salary;
Therefore, citizens of Glasgow, do not fret or worry,
For there is nothing like it in Edinburgh.

And the happiest night I ever spent
Was in Glasgow, where I got as much as pay my rent
From your merchant princes most fine,
Who likewise sang a song to me called Clementine.

Which was most beautiful to hear, also a dance
Round and round, all singing at once;
And the treatment I got in Glasgow, I must confess,
Was better even than Inverness.

Oh, beautiful city of Glasgow, I must conclude my lay,
By calling thee the greatest city of the present day:
Fore your treatment of me, was by no means churlish,
Therefore I say, “Let Glasgow Flourish.”

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