Royal Visit of the Princess Louise and the Marquis of Lorne

The generous Princess Louise and the Marquis of Lorne,
Came to Dundee on a Friday morn,
On the 29th of October in the year 1892,
Resolved the Sick Nurses’ Home to view.

The visit of the Princess roused enthusiasm to a great degree,
Which has rarely been witnessed in the City of Dundee,
It was evident that something unusual was to be enacted,
And on the High Street groups of loiterers seemed distrected.

Loudly talking about the coming great event of the day,
The maddening crowds on the pavement and the roadway,
And between the High Street and the Tay Bridge Station,
There was a detachment of mounted Police which caused a sensation.

The street; decorations were magnificent to be seen,
There were beautiful flags, and flowers, and ivy green,
And the Tay Bridge Station was a splendid sight,
Especially the north Platform where the party were to alight.

The Platform was with crimson cloth spread,
For the beautiful Princess thereon to tread,
WhiIe flags and banners floated o’er the Station,
Which the people gazed upon with great admiration.

And the Royal Arch was gay with bunting too,
And over the Custom House floated the red, white, and blue,
And several buildings in Whitehall Street were beautiful to behold,
They were draped in blue and crimson cloth fringed with gold.

Mr Hurrie’s buildings were ablaze with flags and draperies,
Which did the sight-seers greatly please,
And on the opposite side, and facing Whitehall Street,
Mr Melville’s establishment was very neat.

The two lamp-posts in front were wreathed with ivy green,
lntertwined with flowers and bannerettes most lovely to he seen,
And the flags on the front of the building made a grand show,
Which was very much admired by the high and the low.

And the Shipping in the Harbour seemed beautiful to the eye,
With flags waving in the breeze, topmast high,
In honour of the Royal visit to the City of Dundee,
Which certainly was a very iimposing sight to see.

But the most attractive sight was at the Town Hall,
So magnificent that it surpassed them all,
Within the Pillars, fitted up there was a grand entrance,
Which would have pleased the king of France.

And the City Arms were beautifully coloured and tastefully executed,
Which by the sight-seeers wasn’t disputed,
And from the top of the spire a string of flags floated in the breeze,
Which undoubtedly did the spectators please.

The decorations were most splendid in Reform Street,
Especially Strathtay House decorations were very neat,
From pavement to roof flags of all nations floated iu the air,
Which was a most gorgeous sight people did declare.

And the City warehouse, Messrs Sprence and Co.,
Their decorations were also a grand show,
It was crowned with a line of streamers blown out of fold,
While the front was draped with crimson cloth relieved with gold.

Lamb’s Hotel also had a very grand Show,
The National Flag of Scotland floating to and fro,
The Rampant Lion of Scotland floating over all,
Which in the days of yore did the English appal.

A Guard of Honour took up a position in front of the Station,
100 men of the Royal Highlanders, without any hesitation,
And a detachment of the 1st Forfar Light Horse were there,
Which looked most beautiful, I do declare

And as the Royal Party reached the Station;
The spectators were struck with admiration;
While the band played God save the Queen
Which helped to enhance the grandeur of the scene.

Then the Forfar Light Horse fell in as an escort immediately,
Which really was a grand sight to see;
And as the Royal Party passed along, the spectators made great din,
By cheering and shouting — that’s her! that’s him!

And when they arrived at the Town House, they received an address,
Which the Marquis of Lorne thanked the Provost for, on behalf of the Princess.
Then after receiving the Civic Address, they visited the Nurses’ Home,
Also Ex-Provost Moncur’s — to partake of luncheon,
Then they went to Balmoral — Her Majesty’s Highland Home,
Where the Deer and the Roe together doth roam

Princess Louise in Dundee

Presentation of Address

Her Royal Highness Princess Louise and the Marquis of Lorne visited Dundee yesterday. The direct object of the visit was to inspect the Home of the Sick Poor Nursing Society, but. in addition to this advantage was taken by the corporation of the presence of the Princess to present Her Royal Highness with an address. The city was elaborately decorated in honour of the occasion, From the Townhouse and the various buildings along the route traversed by the Royal party flags and bunting were displayed.

Her Royal Highness arrived from Edinburgh by special train at half-past twelve, and was received at the Tay Bridge Station by the Earl and Countess of Strathmore, Lord Provost Mathewson, and the magistrates and council of the city. Lord Strathmore presented the Lord Provost to the Princess, who accepted a beautiful bouquet of flowers from the hands of his lordship’s daughter (Mrs Dr Templeman). Thereafter the party proceeded in carriages to the Townhall, where a guard of honour was stationed.

At the ceremony within the Townhall there were present- The Earl and Countess of Strathmore (whose guests the distinguished visitors are), Mrs Farquharson of Haughton, Colonel Kinloch, Mrs Hutton, Mrs Nicoll, the Hon. Mrs Cecil Paget, Colonel Chater, of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders; Mr Long, MP.; Mr W. O. Dalgleish, &c. Addressing Her Royal Highness, the Lord Provost gave her, in name of the council, a hearty welcome to the city, and also expressed great pleasure at having with them the Marquis of Lorne (Applause.)

The Town Clerk then read the address, which was beautifully illuminated.

The Marquis of Lorne, at the request of the Princess, replied to the address. He said- Permit me to thank you most kindly for your welcome on this occasion, when the Princess visits you on a mission which has the deepest interest and commands the deepest sympathy of all. You have used expressions in regard to Her Majesty the Queen of renewed loyalty and reverence, and I know the inhabitants of Dundee are at all times eager to show their love and loyalty for our revered Sovereign. (Applause.) Her Majesty has always entertained very pleasant recollections of the visits she has paid to your ancient city, and we have the happiness now to congratulate the Lord Provost and the inhabitants of Dundee upon the recent title of honour given to the city. (Loud applause.) Some may think that it has been rather long in coming – (a laugh) – but I, as a citizen of Dundee, think that Dundee can wait for any title or dignity – (applause) – for when other places which are priding themselves upon their great success and prosperity were nameless and had no existence Dundee was a seat of learning and of successful commerce. She was known to foreign nations and known to scholars when the forbears of the inhabitants of many a great city in England and Scotland had never handled a bale of goods, and did not know how to write their own names, much less the names of the cities they inhabited- (Applause.) I believe, Lord Provost, that the energy of your citizens will be able to make your community look with tolerable equanimity upon the alternating tides of commerce, I once more congratulate you upon having assumed a title commensurate with your ancient standing and your vigour and success in our times. (Loud applause.)

Cheers having been given for the Queen, the Princess Louise, and the Marquis of Lorne, the Royal party left the Municipal Buildings and proceeded to the Nurses’ Home in Dudhope Place. Along the route thousands of spectators had congregated, and Her Royal Highness was heartily cheered. On reaching the Home the ladies’ committee and directors of the Sick Nursing Society were presented to the Princess, and thereafter Ex-Provost Moncur addressed Her Royal Highness, giving her a warm welcome to the city as president of the institute.

The Marquis of Lorne suitably replied.

Subsequently the Prineess – who was attired in a rich costume of seal and sable, and wore a dainty little bonnet of black, with ostrich tips – was conducted through the various rooms in the home, and before leaving adhibited her signature in the autograph album.

Luncheon was afterwards served in Rockfield House, the residence of ex-Provost Moncur, and at half-past three thse Princess and the Marquis took their departure for Glamis. A special train conveyed the Royal party to Glamis, leaving at 3:40. A dense crowd assembled at the West Station, but the greatest order prevailed. Only the Magistrates and a few friends were allowed to be in attendance on the platform. Among those were- Colonel Fergusson, Colonel Sandeman, Mrs Farquharson, and Mrs Nicol. At Glamis the Marquis and Princess will be the guests of the Earl and Countess of Strathmore till Monday, when they will leave for Aberdeen en route to Balmoral.

Aberdeen Journal, 22nd October 1892


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Comments (1) »

  1. Angie T
    In the year 2013, on th 7th day of December at 12:56 am

    Very entertaining! Mr McGonagall seems far more interested in the way the shops were decorated than he was in the actual Royal visitors.

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