Bonnie Dundee in 1878

Oh, Bonnie Dundee! I will sing in thy praise
A few but true simple lays,
Regarding some of your beauties of the present day
And virtually speaking, there’s none can them gainsay;
There’s no other town I know of with you can compare
For spinning mills and lasses fair,
And for stately buildings there’s none can excel
The beautiful Albert Institute or the Queen’s Hotel,
For it is most handsome to be seen,
Where accommodation can be had for Duke, Lord or Queen,
And the four pillars of the front are made of Aberdeen granite, very fine,
And most beautiful does shine, just like a looking glass,
And for beauty and grandeur there’s none can them surpass.
And your fine shops in Reform Street,
Very few can with them compete
For superfine goods, there’s none can excel,
From Inverness to Clerkenwell.
And your Tramways, I must confess,
That they have proved a complete success,
Which I am right glad to see …
And a very great improvement to Bonnie Dundee.
And there’s the Royal Arch, most handsome to be seen,
Erected to the memory of our Most Gracious Queen –
Most magnificent to see,
And a very great honour to the people of Dundee.
Then there’s the Baxter Park, most beautiful to see,
And a great boon it is to the people of Dundee,
For there they can enjoy themselves when they are free from care
By inhaling the perfumed air,
Emanating from the sweet flowers and green trees and shrubs there.
Oh, Bonnie Dundee! I must conclude my muse,
And to write in praise of thee, my pen does not refuse,
Your beauties that I have alluded to are most worthy to see,
And in conclusion, I win call thee Bonnie Dundee!

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Comments (2) »

  1. In the year 2014, on th 29th day of April at 10:59 pm

    >And your Tramways, I must confess,
    >That they have proved a complete success,
    >Which I am right glad to see …
    >And a very great improvement to Bonnie Dundee.

    Oh will we ever see the day,
    When Edinburgh’s trams are Up, Up, and Away ?
    And make all the Edinburgh folks go gay,

  2. Chris Hunt
    In the year 2014, on th 30th day of April at 10:39 am

    Who knows, Tom, but I can tell you that Stephen Midgley has already provided me with a truly epic Readers’ Gem to commemorate the occasion when that much-anticipated day arrives. Watch this space!

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