A New Year’s Resolution to Leave Dundee

Welcome! thrice welcome! to the year 1893,
For it is the year I intend to leave Dundee,
Owing to the treatment I receive,
Which does my heart sadly grieve.
Every morning when I go out
The ignorant rabble they do shout
‘There goes Mad McGonagall’
In derisive shouts as loud as they can bawl,
And lifts stones and snowballs, throws them at me;
And such actions are shameful to be heard in the city of Dundee.
And I’m ashamed, kind Christians, to confess
That from the Magistrates I can get no redress.
Therefore I have made up my mind in the year of 1893
To leave the ancient City of Dundee,
Because the citizens and me cannot agree.
The reason why? — because they disrespect me,
Which makes me feel rather discontent.
Therefore to leave them I am bent;
And I will make my arrangements without delay,
And leave Dundee some early day.


McGonagall’s threat to depart the city that had been the subject of so much of his poetry did not pass unremarked. The Scottish Leader archly observed: “… when he discovers the full value of the circumstance that Dundee rhymes with 1893, he may be induced to reconsider his decision and stay for yet a year.” This argument seems to have swayed him, as it was not until 1894 that he and his wife departed for Perth.

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Comments (1) »

  1. Steven Armour
    In the year 2013, on th 24th day of June at 1:01 am

    This almost brings a tear to my eye.

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